Monday, April 25, 2011

Day 115 - Faith

I rested yesterday (well as much as you can with three kids) and when the day was over I stayed as far away from my computer as possible. It felt good! But, it's Monday morning now and I am back to life. I think that Easter gave me a little mental renewal, after all isn't Easter all about rebirth and renew? My feet are both firmly planted on the ground and I am ready to face life again.

We need your prayers friends. I have faith that God will provide Mark with a job, even if it's in the last hours, but we are getting very close to the breaking point for us financially (yes there is one past where we already are). I have deep and committing faith that the tide will turn very soon, but I am human and I still have worry and fear in the back of my head. However, my worry and fear do not follow me around all day because my faith is strong enough to give it all to God.

Life is funny, you always hear people say that money doesn't buy happiness. I truly believe that. I may be in a rough patch and I may have felt extremely depressed last week, but I am happy. I am at peace with myself. Faith buys happiness, deep and true committed faith. And that can come whether or not you have a dime or a billion dollars. I get it now.

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