Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 101 - It's a slow process

I think the main point that God has made very clear to me over these last few weeks is that he works on us slowly. He adjusts our lives and our character in different situations and through hardships. We don't change after just one event; He changes us through many different events and seasons in our lives. Why? To prepare us for the larger assignments.

Thinking about that explains so much and also gives me an understanding of why we have been through so many bumps over the last few years. They have all impacted me in a major way and I could easily sit down and etch out when each one happened and what I have learned from it. When I finally figure out what my purpose is I will see how each event prepared me for it. He is prepping me with my college degrees, my relationships, my love for certain things and even my disagreements or small struggles. I can't wait to see how it all comes together.

That's the thing, I need to wait.... patiently. We are studying David in my women's bible study right now and from the time God personally chose him as the future King of Israel (he was 15 at the time); God waited 22 years before David actually sat on the throne. Between that time David continued as a sheepherder, did many laborious jobs, defeated Goliath, and learned to be a ruler (among lots of other things). I am hoping my future is a little closer than 22 years, but I need to be patient. Have you been wondering why things are so difficult, where your life is going, when things are going to get better, and what the meaning of everything is? Me too! But I am taking comfort in the fact that all the trials and tribulations are preparing me to be a mighty leader in my own way. So please don't despair, you are also transitioning to be the person you are meant to be through all your bumps and roadblocks. We just need to be patient and keep having faith that we will get there when the time is right.

1 comment:

  1. This is so true! Thanks for being so open with us :)
