Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 23 - Lesson learned

Today before church started I overheard another man tell a family about some of his struggles. He had a lot of them and at the end he mentioned that on top of everything he had just been laid off. We were on the shuttle and when we got off I had my blog business card in hand. I really wanted him to know about this blog, in hopes that it could give him some hope or someone to relate to. It was obvious he doesn't have any friends and family here. I tried to catch up to him while pulling my kids behind me. When I caught up he started another conversation with the family again, I didn't really like what he was saying so I put my business card back in my pocket and let him walk into church as I followed that family to the Sunday School area. I told myself maybe I would see him again. I did look for him. I never saw him.

I don't like to be pushy. I also don't like to bother people too much. But, today I am thinking that if I would have been a little more pushy to get into the conversation, if I wouldn't have cared what he had said or if I had bothered him a little more as he entered church than this story could be different. I wasn't selling him something, I wasn't asking him for anything, I just wanted to give him a little hope. Why didn't I step out of my comfort zone?

I do this stuff all the time. I say I have faith in myself, but I don't have enough faith to reach out to a stranger. I am good at donating money online, giving our things away or helping people I know. I need to be good at stretching my faith. I am hoping that next time I have a story like this to share, I will have a much happier ending.

1 comment:

  1. Wow- thank you for your honesty. :) So often we hear of stories about how people changed a strangers life for the better, but it's easy to forget about all those "lost" opportunities. And we ALL have them! I'm certainly one to shut my mouth and step back for fear of looking stupid or weird. Here's to more God opportunities that we take advantage of! :)
