Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 18 - It's definitely a wild ride

Somedays are just better than others, right? Yesterday was a gloomy day for all of us, it was beautiful outside but we were all a little crabby and none of us had our usual spark. I think that things just caught up with us. It was Monday and that meant we went another week with no job and nothing in the pipeline. I know that Mark is antsy to go back to work and I want him to be happy. The weeks are going by faster and faster. I'm not sure why the kids were crabby, we really try our best to not let our current situation affect them, but I'm sure they pick up on things. I think that stress and emotions just catch up with you after awhile and your body responds. Mark has been feeling sluggish, I have had body pains and extreme tiredness.

Right now it feels like life is like a roller coaster, but maybe a kiddie one. We cruise through our every day life happy and busy and occasionally something really great happens and we go up the little hump, then we hit some curves and turns that freak us out a little bit and then we have to travel down the hump, which still makes you feel a little queasy even if it's just a kiddie ride. We know we will get through it, it's not a life or death situation, and we smile and laugh on the fun parts! Somedays are just the queasy parts... and that was yesterday.

I hate that I have no control over such a big part of our life right now. I am a control freak! But, I have learned that I have to let things go. That I am not in charge. That I should keep trying to do whatever I need to fix the situation but that I cannot fix it myself. I need to leave God in control.

Here's to hoping that this week will bring something great and that our roller coaster ride will be wild and fun, with few curves and as little nausea as possible.


  1. Hi Amanda- This morning I went to Bible Study at our church. I wasn't going to go at first, it was raining, it's right during Lincoln's nap time, etc, etc. I just felt this urge to go, and God had an amazing word for me. Dream Big. Not my big, but God's big. I know you are in a difficult season, but I want to encourage you in this season to dream big. Even though the doors seem to be closing, God has BIG doors waiting for you and your family. God has an amazing job for your husband, and lives will be changed through your journey. He will take the rubble that seems to be crumbling around you, and build something great. :)
