Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 75 - Growing pains

(Each day this week I want to share some outlying notes I took at church and some little random tidbits that really spoke to me this weekend).

There is no growth without change; there is no change without fear or loss; and there is no loss without pain.

I am in the middle of growing pains. Nothing is the way I imagined, I cannot control anything and I keep having to change the plans I had for myself. At times it makes me flat out depressed. I have a lot of fear in my heart about the future and I mourn the parts of my life that I really liked a lot. The quote above...I get it...I feel it. But you know what else? I understand it. I want to be a better person and I want to fulfill God's purpose for me. If doing so means I have to experience change, fear, loss and pain then I will humbly do it. I have faith that the end result will be amazing. I really do. So I guess we have to keep telling ourselves that we have to experience a lot of emotional turbulence to grow and when we are in the middle of it, we have to remember that it is all part of a bigger picture. I guess that is having the wisdom to find the beauty in things too, isn't it. It takes a lot of faith to keep moving forward and stomping through the heartache. Let's do it together.

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