Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Day 326 - My Words on Paper

I have been writing in a prayer journal for almost a year now. I write my prayers on one side of the page and notes and bible verses on the other. If it inspires me, I write it down. I have notes from sermons, devotionals, speakers, and books. When I hit hard times I go back and reread the notes that I took and revisit the verses that I wrote down. It's amazing how many times I have found the perfect piece of wisdom from notes that I took months ago. It's like my handbook of strength. I also love that when I keep up on my prayer requests I can go back and see whom I have been praying for and remember to keep praying for them. I also love seeing how God answers peoples' prayers over time. And, as I am now writing in my second journal (I filled the first one up) I see how faithful God has been and how He has put so many amazing words in my life over this year to get me through the rough days.

This last week was definitely part of those rough days. It's hard to be vulnerable and to realize that some people just won't like you, no matter who you are and what you do. That's just the way life works, right? So coming across these notes really put it in perspective for me.

Everyone is insecure. People judge our worth falsely by appearance, affluence, achievement and approval. Some people will reject you no matter what you do, build yourself on what is most important.

When I wrote those notes, I didn't need them. But here I am facing a situation where they are music to my ears and a reminder to keep being myself and to build myself up not on other people's perceptions, but on what is most important. For me that is my faith, my family, my friends and my heart. I am so grateful for my prayer journals and I know that through the years they will help me raise my children with love, wisdom, thankfulness and a whole lot of grace.

If you have any inclination to write in a prayer journal, I highly recommend it. It really has become such a blessing in my life. All you need is a bound book, a pen, and a little bit of God.

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