Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Day 312 - Thinking ahead

I remember when Mark was laid off almost a year ago; we thought that particular Christmas would be the most difficult. We spent a little less on gifts, were not able to buy the plethora of presents for others that we were used to, and did not give anything to each other. At the time we thought Mark would find a job at the first of the year and by the next Christmas life would be wonderful. Wow, only twenty-two days into his unemployment and we were so sure that everything would be okay. Instead life just unraveled day-by-day and here we are almost a year later with far less money to buy gifts this Christmas. Our financial situation is slowly getting better, but we will not be able to buy for anyone other than our kids. Luckily we already have enough money set aside to buy each child their main wishes from Santa Claus (and they are good gifts like bikes and scooters) and I am sure we will save up a little more to fill the stockings and buy them a few more presents. It may not be the Christmas I was hoping for, but I cannot complain at all. My kids will have the perfect day!

With all of that, how can I not be thinking of the parents who cannot afford to buy their child even one gift? In times like these, those parents are all around us. It could be us. There are parents out there crying at night, wishing they could give their kids just one of their wishes and worried about what they will tell them on Christmas morning. There are parents who will be doing whatever they can for the next forty-six days to earn money to buy their children anything that they can afford. We should be praying for them continuously. Praying for the kids who live outside of their home, or in troubled homes, that want a little bit of Christmas. While for many of us, Christmas holds so much joy, for so many it is a reminder of the sadness they battle because of financial difficulties or personal problems. I know that Christmas is still far away, but no better time than now to start praying for families who need extra help. Maybe somehow our prayers and actions can help make a difference. If you know someone struggling right now, could you spare an extra gift or a gift card on their doorstep? Can you ask them if there is a gift that they need help buying?

I am so lucky, I know that. By the end of this week we will have all of Santa's presents hidden away waiting for Christmas. We were able to plan ahead to get what our children wanted the most. It may not be a big and luxurious day like it used to be, but it will be wonderful. Mark and I can exchange presents next year and I know our family and friends understand our situation. You can bet that we will also help a struggling friend this year too, even if it's just a little something. As you are Christmas shopping, please use your prayers and abilities to help someone too. Christmas is always a good time to show your faith.

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