Thursday, September 15, 2011

Day 258 - I just have faith

From the movie The Bucket List:

Carter: It’s called faith.
Edward: I honestly envy people who have faith. I just can’t get my head around it.
Carter: Maybe your head’s in the way.
Edward: Carter, we’ve all had hundreds of these discussions and every one of them always hits the same wall. Is there a sugarplum fairy or not? And nobody has ever gotten over that wall.
Carter: So, what do you believe?
Edward: I resist all beliefs.
Carter: No Big Bang? Random Universe?
Edward: We live. We die. And the wheels on the bus go round and round.
Carter: What if you’re wrong? 
Edward: I’d love to be wrong. If I’m wrong, I win. (both laugh)
Carter: I’m not sure it works that way. 
Edward: Well, you’re not claiming you know something I don’t.
Carter: Mm-mm. I just have faith.  

I think people who are afraid of faith let their heads get in the way of what faith is. Faith is believing in something bigger than you.  Faith is a deeper understanding, a belief, and knowledge from your heart. Faith changes what the definition of proof is. Faith is a strength within. Faith is a way of life. Faith is not practical and it's not concrete and I know that is why people get stuck in their own heads over it. Faith is not something that you can make someone have. You cannot argue it enough or explain it enough. Faith is a decision, it's change and it's love. I love the line, "I just have faith." It's simple, powerful, and peaceful in just a few words. It's a statement.

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