Saturday, August 27, 2011

Day 239 - Lesson

One of the hardest lessons by far has been learning that sometimes we need to accept help from others. I remember a few years ago telling my friend that people want to help and that you need to let them help you. Of course I said that really never expecting that I personally would have to accept more than a few dinners after I had a baby. But I truly meant it because I wanted to help my friend in as many ways as I could and I know that when people are going through a hard time, you feel helpless and want to do something, anything. So here I am years later, learning to say "yes" and "thank you" when we need something. It is so humbling to accept help that you would rather give yourself, but at the same time there are things that I cannot do on my own and I figured out not too long ago that it's not about my pride, it's about my family. Their needs outweigh my pride every time. I am so thankful to all our family and friends who continue to help us in every way possible. And, when I begin to feel bad because I have so little to give back, I remind myself that once we climb out of this ditch I will give freely to others in honor of everyone that has helped us and that this experience and the people who have stood by us are what has changed me forever. I now understand what they meaning of the word selfless really is. Thank you to our family and friends, who even almost nine months later, still think we are worthy of their selfless help and gifts.

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