Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day 209 - Rescuing

Yesterday while driving I couldn't help but wonder why aren't things worse. Why am I lucky enough to still have food and a place to live? Why are we not living on the streets like so many other families and begging for food and money? Why did God give us a great support system with wonderful family, friends and strangers and why is He choosing to help sustain us through our ordeal? I guess things could change at any moment for us, in fact we are living day-by-day, yet we still have it so good. Why are we fortunate to have many of life's luxuries while people are homeless and starving?

Every single day I wonder exactly what God's intentions are for us. He put us in this crisis for a reason, what is the purpose? What is the bigger picture? What does He want us to learn from this, how does He want us to change? I have my guesses and I know all the ways I have changed already but I wish I could know more. I know it's all for good and I know that we are coming out much better than we ever were before. I have it in good mind that God has actually been rescuing us all along. Here are three small notes that I found in my prayer journal that really make my heart move on this topic:
  • Have the courage to see the fulfillment of God's promises to us.
  • We've got to return to whole-hearted obedience. Joy is coming.
  • I'm not looking for a tweak; I'm looking for a transformation.
It's hard to believe that in many discouraging times, God is actually rescuing us from something much worse. But it's true. I'm living on that thought right now.

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