Sunday, October 30, 2011

Day 302 - Unfair

Sometimes life just seems unfair. How do you try and explain God and faith when a beautiful mother of three small children dies of cancer at a very young age? It shakes me up. I want to yell as loud as I can, "why God?" I know that I (we) will never have the answer, but I hope that I will continue to grow with wisdom as I mature in my faith. I hope that when a non-believer asks me why awful things happen, that I will have a better answer than, "I don't know."

This is what I found tonight as I was searching for my own answer.

Basing our faith on who God is rather than what He appears to be doing is crucial to our spiritual health. Because God's ways are higher than our own ways, we cannot always comprehend what He is doing or why He makes certain decisions.

I don't know if it's the right answer or if it is just what fed my sadness a little bit. Maybe it's just the beginning of understanding. I know I have a lot more searching to do and that I am more aware than ever that life is fragile.

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