Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Day 277 - My friend

It's funny how life and faith work together. Just about a year ago, I was getting ready to say goodbye to my best friend as she moved 6 hours away. It was beyond difficult. Sure we still talk on the phone and see each other when she visits, but through our beginning years of motherhood we saw each other whenever we wanted, we supported each other and we just loved to be with each other all of the time. She was there every milestone and every step I took with my kids. There was nothing better than sitting at the park, talking about our lives and watching the kids play, I still long for it. We just get each other. But we had something else that makes our friendship special, our faith. We talk about it, think about it and live it with each other. We have the same values and want the same things for our kids. At the time we were also sharing the same spiritual difficulties. We would go to church, sit together and support each other. It was nice to have that, it still is. When she moved I know we both felt like we would be lost trying to find our own way to grow in our faith, but God knew what was best for us, as He always does.

It's almost been a year and we have both grown more in our faith this past year than through out entire lives, and we did it separately. It needed to happen. After she moved we both had the deep seeded longing and reached out on our own discovering ways to grow as individuals and as families. We have met other extraordinary women of faith that have helped mold our lives. We have been brought to our knees this year with our own situations and we have both surrendered completely. Growing apart really made us grow up. It's amazing to look back and see how blessed we have been by going out on our own and doing the things we always said we would do together, but never did. And, our friendship is just as amazing as ever and we have more to bring to the table and teach each other from our separate experiences. It is just proof that although life seems scary and lonely at times, often they are just little pushes from God to grow more and branch out on your own. Don't be afraid of change and allow yourself let go a little easier. God has a plan to prosper you, not to harm you.

And to my friend Noel, I love you more than ever (and I still miss you every day). Thank goodness for the telephone. XO