Sunday, October 9, 2011

Day 281 - Faith is good

Sometimes I look back at my prayer journal at some of the specific prayers I have written over the last few weeks, months and year. I have forgotten about so many of them and have kept up weekly on others. As I read them I can see how God has worked in my life and the lives of others. I have prayed for friends to get pregnant, families to reconcile, for our finances, for the safety of people I love, for peace in others hearts, for education in my children's lives and for many other blessings in good times and hard times. I have prayed for myself, for strangers, for friends, and for certain situations. I have prayed for more things than I can type, but they have all been equally important to someone. So many prayers have been answered, it's amazing to look back at. There are others than have not been answered, but I am not giving up on them. And, there are so many prayers that I will never know the outcome of or ones that did not turn out the way we hoped, but for those I pray that some good will come out of them. No matter how I look at them, my little prayer journal is proof that prayer works. It's proof in a life of faith and the workings of God. It's proof that situations can get better and people can change. It's proof that tiny miracles happen every day. It's proof that you can fix certain areas of your life through prayer and faith. Faith is alive.


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