Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day 146 - An answer to a prayer

Over the last 146 days I have asked God for more than just financial help, I have reached out to Him for some very specific help with some important relationships in my life and for a lot of guidance for my future. It is so easy to get completely wrapped up in my current financial crisis, that I haven't taken the time to notice how He has been working on mending areas of my heart this whole time. He has literally been answering my prayers in small and meaningful steps. It is so easy to get caught up in whatever huge heartache that we have, that we fail to notice the small miracles He is performing. I almost missed them.

On Tuesday night I did some necessary and long overdue praying. I thanked God for a lot and I asked him for a lot too. I asked God to give me a sign if I am headed in the right direction for a possible future in writing. I have not mentioned it yet, but for months now I have been heavily researching future possibilities for more education so that I can write devotions and other faith based works. Practically since Day 1 I have felt that this might be what God has been calling me to do. It is well known that writing a book has always been my largest goal, but as I continually have tried through the years to find what it is I should be writing about, I never felt like I could quite wrap my heart around it. I could never get the words to start, well that was until I started writing this blog. My heart knows how to write real life. My heart also feels like it needs more biblical education and so deciding whether or not I should go back to school to get a degree in Theology has been on my mind a lot. I got my MBA while raising my first child and it was a huge commitment for our family, now with three kids, it's not a light-hearted decision. Plus, have I mentioned we are totally broke! So before I make this leap of faith, or before I keep putting countless hours in trying to find other options, I felt I really needed God to give me a sign that this is in fact where I need to be going. I don't mind taking a leap, after all this blog was a huge leap and has been the most amazing blessing, but I just needed some reassurance that this is still God's plan for me.

That brings me to yesterday. As I said, the night prior I had asked God to please give me a sign that this is what he wanted me to do. I pretty much forgot about that prayer in the midst of celebrating my son's birthday. At 3:36pm I received an email from a reader whom I have never met before. It wasn't just an email; it was a lot of love. Enough love in one email to not only tell me how my blog has inspired her but also enough love to share some of herself with me. It was validation that yes; someone is out their reading and understands what I have to say. After I read it I was filled with joy and a lot of grace. It took me a few hours and one of those "ah ha" moments, which I think God was saying, "you dummy," when I realized that this completely out-of-the-blue email was God saying, "yes Amanda, this is your sign." There is no such thing as a coincidence, especially one like that.

So this brings me to two things. First, God does answer your prayers, maybe not the prayer(s) you think needs immediate fulfillment, but He does listen and He does answer. Secondly, this woman who emailed me took the time to send me an amazing email with a lot of love. I don't know what compelled her to write to me that day, instead of a few days before, next week or never. It is obvious that often the acts of love that we do are also a part of a bigger plan. It is so easy to brush things like that aside when we are busy, but, when it comes down to it, they are little blessings that we share with others and are often part of God's bigger plans.

So today I am reminding you to keep asking God for guidance in all areas of your life and to keep pouring blessings onto other people. It's amazing how important something so simple can be (thank you "M" for your email, truly).

P.S. Mark has an interview Friday afternoon, please pray for him! We still have not heard back from last week's interview, but I have my fingers crossed that he will move forward to the next level of interviews with that one too.

1 comment:

  1. Amanda....this is definitely a sign. EVERYTIME I read this blog and your Fav's blog I always think...she should write a book. You are so creative in your writing and I can really experience what you are going through. I am just sorry I havent told your sooner. So now at least 2 people (I am sooo sure there is much much more) has told you...YES you can! Write away my friend. XO ~Joy
