Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day 138 - People

This was part of my daily devotional yesterday:

"The truth is, to live an emotionally healthy life, we need people in our lives. We need healthy, supportive relationships. We need each other."

I have gone months and months feeling not connected to the daily devotionals, and yet there have been two specific devotionals this week that have solidified what I was thinking. Amazing! Yesterday I posted about how lucky I am to have such astounding people in my life, and the words in the devotional really hit home with me. I can't stress enough how important it is to have healthy, supportive relationships (and you can never have too many). How are you feeling in that department? Really think about the people that surround you and think about whether the words "healthy" and "supportive" describe them. Life is far too hard to navigate by yourself and far too difficult to navigate with people who do not have your best interest at heart.

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