Monday, May 9, 2011

Day 129 - I have faith in you

Nothing new to report my friends. Mark has been working tirelessly to find a job, yet there is nothing. Yes, there have been interviews and prospects but companies are kind of going crazy right now and either deciding not to hire at all or taking their sweet time choosing someone. I can't explain the toll it's taking, but it is bananas. My hubby is an educated, mid-thirties man, with a stellar resume, great background and has never had to look more than two weeks to get a job. Yet here we are. No matter how strong your faith is; life is not easy. In fact, life can be downright depressing and heartbreaking.

Over the past few weeks I have gotten an overwhelming amount of good and bad news from friends and family. A lot more tears than usual. It seems like everyone is in some sort of crisis right now and it breaks my heart to see it and not be able to fix it. Even those with good news are entering some sort of huge life changing event. Nothing right now is for the weary.

It takes a lot of faith to get through life. Faith that everything has a purpose and that God intends to do good, not harm. Sure, He may put us in a time out, but he still has the grace after we have sinned to bless us substantially. Or, when we are hurting because of something someone has done to us, faith can lift us up and help us either move past it or work our way through it. Otherwise we are walking around in circles, hoping to discover an answer that we will never find. Faith is the answer to the problem. I wish that more people could see that; it changes the pain substantially.

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." -Jeremiah 29:11

In my life right now faith keeps me in check by giving me perspective, hope and assurance. I have faith that I can get my family through this, however long it lasts and wherever we are forced to go. I have faith that God will continue to provide us with our basic needs and that this selection in time is meant not to harm us, but to build us up and open our eyes. I also have faith in my marriage, that we will continue to give and take so that when one person is down, the other knows to lift them up, no matter what. Lastly, I have faith that every day when I give you a peek into my soul, that each word is meant to settle into your heart. That you are reading my words for a reason. I guess you can say that I have enough faith in you, to be me. I don't want you walking in circles anymore.

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